Bear Brook State Park
Allenstown (off Route 28). Bear Brook Trail Map
Bear Brook Trail Information 
A myriad of trails criss-cross this 10,000 acre park. Bear Brook offers easy to moderate hiking challenges. Camping is available in the park.
Cardigan Mountain State Park
Orange (off Route 4). Cardigan Hiking Map 
This park offers moderate to difficult hikes with great views into Vermont and the south side of the White Mountains.
Crawford Notch State Park
Hart's Location (Route 302). Crawford Notch Hiking Map
This park, located in the White Mountains, offers popular family hikes to unique cliffs and brisk waterfalls including the highest in the state, Arethusa Falls. Camping is available in the park. Most trails leave the park and enter the White Mountain National Forest.
Dixville Notch State Park
Dixville Notch (Route 26)
This Park offers moderate to more difficult hikes which lead you to waterfalls and scenic vistas. Hiking trails to "Table Rock" feature interesting views of surrounding cliffs.
Franconia Notch State Park
Franconia (I-93 Parkway). Franconia Notch Hiking Map
The park provides access to many popular trails leading into the National Forest. Trails range from moderate to difficult. Camping is available in the park. Pets are prohibited on the paved multi-use "Franconia Recreational Path" and there are designated dog walk areas at the Tramway and Flume. Flume Gorge Trail Map
Miller State Park
Peterborough (Route 101). Miller Hiking Map
; View from Pack Monadnock Map 
Many easy to moderate trails begin at the park and access the Wapack Trail.
Monadnock State Park
Jaffrey (Route 124). Monadnock Hiking Map
The 40 miles of trails offer opportunities for cross country skiing, picnicking, and bird watching, as well as hiking to the spectacular 3,165 foot summit, with 100-mile views of the surrounding area. Monadnock is said to be one of the most climbed mountains in the world, second only to Mt. Fuji in Japan! Camping is available in the park.
Moose Brook State Park
Gorham (just off Route 2 on Jimtown Road)
Many of the trails in this park were laid out and built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's. These comfortable trails provide exhilarating family hiking experiences. Camping is available in the park.
Mt. Sunapee State Park
Newbury (Route 103) Mount Sunapee Hiking Map
Sunapee is the northern terminus of the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway, a 48 mile footpath connecting Mount Monadnock and Mount Sunapee. The Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway connects with the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway at Lake Solitude and crosses the State Park from Newbury Harbor via the Newbury Trail and Solitude Trails to Goshen via the Summit and Province Trails. Many interesting trails lead to Sunapee's summit. Camping is available in the park.
The Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway is a 75 mile loop trail that links four New Hampshire State Parks: Sunapee, Winslow, Rollins, Wadleigh. The trail also links three New Hampshire State Forests: Gile, Kearsarge and Shadow Hill as well as one Wildlife Management Area: Bog Mountain. See the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Coalition website for more information.
Northwood Meadows State Park
Northwood (Route 4)
Old logging roads and side trails abound on this park. The trails are easy to moderate and some are "handicapped accessible."
Pawtuckaway State Park
Nottingham (128 Mountain Road). Pawtuckaway Trails Map 
The trails in this 5,500 acre park offer opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. Experiences include hiking to the fire tower on top of South Mountain, with spectacular views of the surrounding area; walking or biking along Burhnams March to bird and wildlife watch; or hiking to Boulder Field, left when glacial ice melted near the end of the ice age! Camping is available in the park.
Pillsbury State Park
Washington (Route 31). Pillsbury Hiking Map
Pillsbury State Park is a link in the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway. Pillsbury offers easy to moderate hiking in a fairly remote setting. Camping is available in the park.
Pisgah State Park
Winchester/Chesterfield/Hinsdale (Route 119, Route 63). Pisgah State Park Trail Map
This huge Park has many maintained trails offering families easy to moderate hiking in a fairly remote setting.
Rollins State Park
Warner (south slope of Mt Kearsarge) Kearsarge Hiking Map
A one-half mile trail to the summit of Mt.Kearsarge leaves from the picnic area. The picnic area, located in a natural wooded glen beneath granite ledges, is historically referred to as the "Garden." It affords views that stretch from Mt. Monadnock to the hills of New Hampshire's coastal plain. The summits of Pack Monadnock, Crotched and Uncanoonuc Mountains, the hills of central Massachusetts, and the Boston skyline are visible on the horizon, while the Mink Hills and Merrimack River Valley can be seen nearby.
Winslow State Park
Wilmot (northwest slope of Mt. Kearsarge). Kearsarge Hiking Map
A picnic area is located on a 1,820-foot plateau with outstanding views of the White Mountains to the north and the taller of the southern and central Vermont peaks. Mt. Sunapee, Ragged Mountain, and Pleasant Lake dominate the closer landscape. A one-mile foot trail leads from the picnic area to the summit of Mt. Kearsarge. A 1- 3/4 mile trail offers a loop possibility.
Other areas to hike or walk include the following multi-use trails: