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Who We Are

Who We Are

The State of New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation is one of five divisions of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. The other divisions include:

The Division of Parks and Recreation is comprised of management components that make up the Division's mission in the state.The Division manages 93 properties' campgrounds, beaches, natural areas, waysides, historic sites and recreational trails.

The Division is comprised of the following management areas:

  • Bureau of Park Operations - includes management, operation and maintenance of state parks, campgrounds, waysides, and natural areas.   
  • Bureau of Trails -  includes management of motorized trails for snowmobiling and ATV use, as well as, non-motorized trails for hiking, biking, cross country skiing, sled dog mushing, and equestrian use. 
  • Bureau of Historic Sites - Is responsible for the care, maintenance and administration of the State Historic Sites as well as the historic resources under stewardship of the NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.
  • Cannon Mountain - New Hampshire's only state-owned and operated premiere ski area in beautiful Franconia Notch State Park.
  • Planning & Development - Oversees new projects around the state within the Division's management area. Currently, these projects include the Gilson Pond Campground, the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Working Forest Recreation Program, the Temple Mountain Project.

The Division's main office is located in Concord.



2025 marks 90 years of the Division of Parks and Recreation and the state’s dedication to preserving state lands. In 1935, the Forestry and Recreation Commission was created, and Russell B. Tobey was appointed to oversee state parks and manage a staff of 13. At that time, there were 18 park properties under state ownership, the oldest being Miller State Park State, which was acquired in 1881. Today, the New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation manages 93 state park properties from campgrounds, hiking parks and natural areas to waysides, recreational trails, and inland and seacoast beaches.

The mission of the Division of Parks and Recreation is to provide New Hampshire’s citizens and guests with outstanding recreational, educational and inspirational experiences through responsible management and cooperative stewardship of the state’s natural, recreational and cultural resources. 

The Division of Parks and Recreation preserves, protects and stewards New Hampshire’s natural, recreational and historic sites. These diverse and special places of natural and cultural significance are premier destinations for families and individuals of all ages and abilities, where exploration, adventure, learning and fun create experiences and memories that last a lifetime.

Historical Documents:

History of the State Park System | NH State Park System Timeline | 1967 Report About State Park System


Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301