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Press Releases

Celebrate New Hampshire State Park's 90th Anniversary and the new year with an annual First Day Hike, January 1st, 2025.
4/22/2024 - Recreational Trails Program grant funding available; workshop schedule announced
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation’s Bureau of Trails Fiscal Year 2025 Recreational Trails Program grant round has opened.
2/27/2024 - N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation Accepting Proposals for 2024 Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant
The 2024 Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Grant, a program providing federal funds to assist with public outdoor recreational projects, is once again open for intents.
12/8/2023 - NH State Parks First Day Hikes 2024
New Hampshire State Parks to host popular annual event at seven locations
10/5/2023 - Bear Brook State Park receives track chair to enhance accessibility
Bear Brook State Park, will enhance its accessibility with a transformative donation. The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation proudly announces the contribution of an all-terrain track chair from the America’s State Park Foundation with support from The Bronco Wild Fund.
9/13/2023 - Bear Brook State Park celebrates 80 years of outdoor adventure and conservation
Bear Brook State Park, New Hampshire's largest developed state park, is gearing up for an exciting celebration of its 80th anniversary.
7/20/2023 - 2023 Water Safety Day at Hampton Beach State Park is on July 27th
Water Safety Day started in 2015 as a public outreach program that sheds light upon the key safety aspects of visiting an NH State Park and its many oceanfront beaches, lakes, and rivers. There is also an environmental component that emphasizes awareness and conservation.
Monadnock Trails Week is an annual collaboration between the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests and NH State Parks. We aim to protect, improve, and promote the trails of the Monadnock Region. Monadnock Trails Week began in 2006. 
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation, and NH Bureau of Trails’ Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant applications for 2024 are now available. RTP is a competitive grant program offering funds for quality public trail projects in New Hampshire.
2/16/2023 - NH State Parks opens grant round for public outdoor recreation projects
The N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation has announced that it has begun accepting proposals for 2023 Land and Water Conservation Fund grants, a program that assists with public outdoor recreational projects.
12/16/2022 - More than $1 million in Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF) awarded to NH communities for outdoor recreation projects
The N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation has announced that seven communities across the state will receive a total of $1,064,931.50 in federal Land and Water Conservation Fund grants to assist with public outdoor recreational projects.
New Hampshire State Parks to host popular annual event at seven select parks.
10/19/2022 - Brian Wilson confirmed as new director of NH State Parks
At today’s Governor and Council meeting, Executive Council members unanimously confirmed Brian Wilson as the new director of the N.H. Division of Parks and Recreation.
8/1/2022 - Public Information Sessions on Mount Washington Master Plan
The Mount Washington Commission is hosting two public information sessions to solicit public comment on its draft Master Plan for the Summit of Mount Washington. The public information session dates are:
  • Monday, August 22, 2022, at 7 p.m. at the North Conway Community Center, 78 Norcross Ctr, North Conway, NH
  • Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 10 a.m. at the Legislative Office Building (LOB) Room 302-304 in Concord, NH (The MWC will meet briefly at 9:30 a.m.)

6/24/2022 - 16th Annual Monadnock Trails Week
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To help keep Mt. Monadnock safe and welcoming for hikers, the Forest Society and N.H. State Parks will be hosting the 16th Annual Monadnock Trails Week, July 22-July 26, 2022. Trail improvement projects are planned all over the mountain in this weeklong event, as well as events and gatherings.
4/4/2022 - Recreational Trails Program Grant Applications available for 2023 
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Trails Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant applications for 2023 are now available. RTP is a competitive grant program that offers funding for quality public trail projects throughout New Hampshire.
3/7/2022 - Federal Grant Money Available for Recreational Projects
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation announces Grant Round 33 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is now open.
2/7/2022 - Public Information and Comment Session on Future Improvements to the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway
The Division of Parks and Recreation is hosting a public information and comment 
session on what the future holds for the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway in 
Franconia Notch State Park at 6 p.m. on February 18, 2022, at the Peabody Lodge, 
Cannon Mountain Ski Area, Franconia Notch State Park
12/3/2021 - Celebrate New Year’s Day 2022 with a NH State ParkFirst Day Hike
To ring in the New Year NH State Parkswelcomes back theever popular First Day Hikes.These hikes offer individuals and families an opportunity to begin the New Year rejuvenated and connected with the outdoors by taking a free self-guided hike on January 1.
9/22/2021 - Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants Awarded to 7 New Hampshire Communities
The United States Department of the Interior-National Park Service (NPS), through the State of New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources-Division of Parks and Recreation, has recently approved $1.6 million Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) local assistance grants to the communities of Keene, Enfield, Lancaster, Concord, Franklin, Barnstead and Littleton. With matching contributions from these municipalities, the grants will support projects for the development of public recreation lands including new and replacement playgrounds, multi-use trails and parking, whitewater structures and bathrooms support facilities.
7/29/2021 - NH State Park’s 2021 Water Safety Day

NH Division of Parks and Recreation’s State Beach Patrol and Hampton Beach State Park Lifeguards will host their 2021 Water Safety Day on August 5, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hampton Beach Seashell Complex, 180 Ocean Blvd., Hampton, NH.

6/25/2021 - Hampton Beach Campsite Lottery Now Open
There will be a camping lottery for selected camping sites at Hampton Beach State Park. The State Parks Camping Lottery is a program for the 2022 camping season to ensure greater opportunity for campers to experience our most popular camping areas.
5/19/2021 - NH State Parks License Plate Program Reaches a New Milestone
In 2010, HB 1620 was passed and signed into law establishing a special registration plate to benefit visitors and the New Hampshire State Park System. The “park plate”, sporting the NH State Division of Parks and Recreation logo, reached total revenues of $1 Million on April 30, 2021, with over 14,000 license plates in circulation.
5/18/2021 - NH State Parks Virtual Job Fair
New Hampshire State Parks will be hosting a Virtual Job Fair on Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 3:30-5 pm via Microsoft Teams Meeting.
4/19/2021 - Spring in NH brings blue skies, warmer temperatures – and wildfire season
Governor Chris Sununu has proclaimed April 18-24 “Wildfire Awareness Week,” part of an effort to raise the level of public consciousness about the dangers of wildfire and its impact not only on New Hampshire’s forested landscape, but also the potential impact to homes, personal property and the state’s wide variety of recreational opportunities.
4/16/2021 - NH Bureau of Trails welcomes new Chief Supervisor

The Commissioner of NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR), Sarah L. Stewart, is pleased to announce the appointment of Craig D. Rennie as the new Chief Supervisor of NH Bureau of Trails.

4/5/2021 - Public Information Session Notice: Use of Route 2 Parking Lot in Gorham for OHRVs
The N.H. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will hold a virtual public information session on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 7 p.m about the use of the parking lot on Route 2 in Gorham for OHRVs.
3/31/2021 - Recreational Trails Program Grant Applications for 2022 Available

The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Trails Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant applications for 2022 are now available.

3/29/2021 - Federal Grant Money Available for Recreational Projects
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation announces
Grant Round 32 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) is now open.
3/19/2021 - Bear Brook State Park Management Plan available for public review and comment
After an extensive two-year planning process, New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources is releasing the updated “Bear Brook State Park Management Plan” for public review and comment. The plan can be viewed on our Bear Brook State Park Management Plan Committee webpage.
3/8/2021 - Miller State Park Utility Project Virtual Public Information Session
The N.H. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will hold a virtual public information session on March 16, 2021 from 6 to 7 p.m. regarding the utility safety upgrade project at Miller State Park.
12/3/2020 - Celebrate the New Year with a NH First Day Hike
New Hampshire State Parks invites the public to celebrate the New Year with a self-guided virtual hike. This year’s First Day Hikes will run from December 26 through New Year’s Day 2021 at all state parks across New Hampshire. The goal of this year’s hikes is to provide individuals and families the opportunity to safely welcome in 2021 in the outdoors while maintaining social distancing practices.
10/30/2020 - New Hampshire Wins Two National Trail Awards
Two New Hampshire trail projects were chosen by the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) as recipients of the 2020 Tom Petri Recreational Trails Program Achievement Awards. Twelve projects in total were honored at the virtual ceremony that was live streamed on Facebook.
10/28/2020 - Public Hearing for the Mount Sunapee Master Development Plan
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 5:00 pm by WebEx videoconference.  The purpose of the hearing is to solicit public comment on Mount Sunapee Resort’s Master Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan 2021-2025.   
7/15/2020 - Hampton Beach Campsite Lottery - Coming soon for the 2022 season

NH State Parks is announcing the return of our camping lottery for selected camping sites at Hampton Beach State Park. The State Parks Camping Lottery is a program for the 2022 camping season to ensure greater opportunity for campers to experience our most popular camping areas.
7/1/2020 - Requirements for Out-of-State Campers
Visitors from outside the New England states staying at a NH State Park Campground are required to sign and attest that they have quarantined 14 days prior to thier arrival at the campground.
5/14/2020 - Bear Brook Campground Open to NH Residents
Bear Brook State Park will start taking camping reservations from New Hampshire residents on Thursday May 14. Reservations are for camping at Bear Brook from May 14 to Thursday May 21. The campground will open at 50 percent capacity to allow for the social distancing guidance under Stay at Home 2.0.
5/7/2020 - Hampton Beach State Park Beach Grading Begins May 7
While the seacoast beaches continue to be closed, the annual grading of Hampton Beach is scheduled to begin on Thursday May 7.
5/5/2020 - Campground Opening and Reservations
Currently, all camping reservations are cancelled through May 10. We will soon make an announcement as to when we will be able to accept reservations.  Under Stay at Home 2.0 reservations will be limited to only NH state residents. Remember, this is just the first part of a phased approach to reopening our attractions.
4/28/2020 - Proposed Plan to Reopen Parks
A draft proposal to open state parks, campgrounds, historic sites, trails and beaches was presented to the Task Force on April 27, 2020 by NH Division of Parks and Recreation. The proposal outlined under what conditions park sites and facilities could open in the future while ensuring the protection, health and safety of the public and the parks staff.
4/14/2020 - Federal Grant Money Available for Recreational Projects
New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation announces Grant Round 31 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
4/8/2020 - Recreational Trails Program Grant Applications for 2021 Available
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant applications for 2021 are now available.
1/17/2020 - Public Hearing Notice: OHRV Use on Route 16 in Gorham
The N.H. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Bureau of Trails and the Gorham Select Board will host a public meeting, pursuant to RSA 215-A:10, IV, regarding expanding OHRV use to include additional portions of NH Route 16, on February 10th, 2020.
12/27/2019 - Celebrate New Year’s Day with NH State Park First Day Hikes
Come join New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation and our partners on a rejuvenating family-friendly hike this New Year’s Day. Five state parks across New Hampshire will host free hikes to providing the opportunity for individuals and families to welcome in 2020 in the outdoors, exercising and connecting with nature.
12/27/2019 - Cancelled due to the Winter Storm - New Year’s Eve Open House and Fireworks at Hampton Beach State P
The NH Division of Parks and Recreation will host an open house on Tuesday, December 31, 2019 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Seashell Oceanfront Pavilion at Hampton Beach State Park.
10/11/2019 - Public information session to address utility safety upgrade project at Miller State Park
The N.H. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will host a public information session regarding a utility safety upgrade project at Miller State Park on Oct. 16. The session will take place from 6-8 p.m. at Shieling State Forest in Peterborough.
9/27/2019 - Monadnock State Park welcomes new facility expansion project
NH State Parks will host a ribbon cutting celebration for the expansion and renovation of the toilet building at the Monadnock State Park headquarters at 116 Poole Road Jaffrey, NH at 1 p.m. on Oct. 4. The public is invited.
7/22/2019 - NH State Parks 2019 Water Safety Day
NH State Parks NH Beach Patrol will host their 2019 Water Safety Day on July 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hampton Beach Seashell Complex, 180 Ocean Blvd., Hampton, NH.
7/22/2019 - Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion Beatrix Potter Day
It’s Beatrix Potter Day! Hop down to the Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion State Park Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 375 Little Harbor Road, Portsmouth, NH.
7/15/2019 - Cardigan Mountain State Park - Road Closures and Access
Orange Road in Orange near Cardigan Mountain State Park is closed except to local traffic due to heavy damage sustained during Thursday evening’s storm. Cardigan Mountain State Park remains open, but please be advised that anyone seeking public access to the mountain or the hiking trails should seek alternate access via Burnt Hill Road. DOT officials will work as quickly as possible to restore Orange Road to through traffic.
7/10/2019 - NH celebrates Smokey Bear’s 75th birthday throughout the summer
Smokey Bear is celebrating his 75th birthday this year and he will be making several appearances throughout New Hampshire as part of his mission to raise awareness about wildfire prevention.
6/27/2019 - NH Parks pilot campsite lottery at select parks open July 1
The NH State Parks announces a lottery for selected camping sites at Hampton Beach State Park and Ellacoya State Park. The State Parks Camping Lottery is a pilot program for the 2020 camping season to ensure greater opportunity for campers to experience our most popular camping areas.
6/25/2019 - State officials share update on multi-agency effort to address safety and parking on I-93 in Francon
Heading into the busy summer hiking season, state officials issue reminders of efforts underway to ensure safety for people visiting Franconia Notch State Park (FNSP).
6/21/2019 - Trails Bureau Presents Landowner of the Year Award
The Bureau of Trails selects one landowner each year to recognize, as part of the NH Snowmobile Trail Program, as the Landowner of the Year.
6/19/2019 - Bear Brook State Park Steering Committee is holding a public listening session June 27
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the Bear Brook State Park Management Plan Steering Committee is holding a public listening session at NH Fish and Game, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH on June 27 from 5 to 8 p.m.
6/12/2019 - Jenness State Beach Bathhouse Ribbon Cutting Celebration
NH Parks and Recreation will host a ribbon cutting celebration for the new bathhouse at Jenness State Beach at 2280 Ocean Blvd, Rye, NH at 1:30 p.m. on June 14.
5/22/2019 - NH State Parks provides Hiker Shuttle at Franconia Notch State Park
New Hampshire State Parks is announcing the pilot hiker-shuttle service will be provided again this year in Franconia Notch State Park. This service offers a safe and legal alternative to parking on Interstate 93 for people visiting the Franconia Notch and the White Mountain National Forest.
5/20/2019 - Late Winter Snows and Heavy Spring Rains Causing Delay to Start of OHRV Season in Northern NH
The Bureau of Trails is announcing that the OHRV trail network in much of Coos County will not be open for the Memorial Day Weekend.
4/18/2019 - Join NH Parks at Discover Wild NH Day
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department hosts Discover Wild NH Day Saturday April 20, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the Fish and Game Department at 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, N.H.
4/15/2019 - Recreational Trails Program Grant Applications for 2020 Available
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Trails announces the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant applications for 2020 are now available.
12/27/2018 - New Year's Eve Open House at Hampton Beach State Park
The Division of Parks and Recreation will be hosting an Open House on Monday, December 31, 2018 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Seashell Oceanfront Pavilion at Hampton Beach State Park. Refreshments will be served and fireworks will begin at 8:00pm.
12/26/2018 - Celebrate the New Year with New Hampshire State Parks
What better way to kick-off 2019 than with a hike within a New Hampshire State Park on January 1, 2019.
12/7/2018 - Celebrate the New Year in a New Hampshire State Park
New Hampshire State Parks invites the public to kick off the New Year with a hike On New Year’s Day. Five state parks across New Hampshire will host free hikes, providing individuals and families the opportunity to welcome in 2019 in the outdoors while exercising and connecting with nature.
11/19/2018 - Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants Awarded to 6 New Hampshire Communities
The United States Department of the Interior-National Park Service (NPS), through the State of New Hampshire Department of Natural and Cultural Resources-Division of Parks and Recreation, has recently approved over $925,000.00 in Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) local assistance grants to the communities of Franklin, Newmarket, Lincoln, New Boston, Littleton, and Salisbury.
11/15/2018 - Bureau Reminds Riders Trails Aren’t Open Yet
Despite some early season snowfall and the potential for more, the NH Bureau of Trails is issuing a reminder to snowmobile riders that the majority of NH's snowmobile network does not open until mid-December.
10/31/2018 - Division of Parks and Recreation to Host a Community Meeting in Hampton
The Division of Parks and Recreation will hold a community meeting on Wednesday, November 7 from 5pm – 6:30pm at the Seashell Complex at Hampton Beach State Park.
9/26/2018 - Mount Sunapee State Park Decision on Proposed Assignment of the Lease Announced
Commissioner Stewart announces her decision on the proposed assignment of the Lease.
9/14/2018 - Mount Sunapee State Park Public Information Session Announced
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources will hold a public information session on the proposed assignment of the State’s lease of a portion of Mount Sunapee State Park.
8/13/2018 - Profile Lake Accessible Fishing Platform Public Information Session
The Division of Parks and Recreation will be holding an informational session to present the plans for the Profile Lake accessible fishing platform and walkway.
8/1/2018 - NH State Parks Launches Shuttle Service in Franconia Notch State Park to Address Hiker Parking
New Hampshire State Parks is announcing the launching of a pilot shuttle service in Franconia Notch State Park.
Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301