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2025 Bus Pass Program 

New Hampshire State Parks Bus Pass Program is designed to promote recreational opportunities within state parks for New Hampshire based community recreation programs, non-profit youth programs, and state agency youth programs during summer months.

Please Note: Our Parks with lakes and ponds (Inland Beaches) will not be staffed with lifeguards.

Bus Passes are only available to the following types of organizations:

  • NH Community Recreation Youth Programs - Funded in whole or in part by a local NH community.
  • NH Non-Profit Youth Programs - Provide the organization's 501c3 Tax Exempt Identification Number and provide copy of current non-profit status as registered with the NH Secretary of State.
  • NH State Agency Youth Programs - A NH state agency.
  • NH School District Youth Programs - Summer programs operated by a NH Public School administrative unit.

Bus Pass Program Options and Pricing

Pass Options Cost Price Per Visit # of Visits Allowed Best Value For
1. Day of Fun $35 $35 1 bus visit A bus group that makes 3 or less
park visits per season
2. Five Days of Fun $125 $25 5 bus visits Any bus group making more than
3 visits or bringing more
than 2 buses to a few visits
(5 bus visits for less than the price of 4)
3. Summer of Fun $225 $22.50 10 bus visits Bus groups making more than
6 bus visits to the parks
Administrative Fee (required): $10, assessed for each application submitted

Option Descriptions:
  1. "Day of Fun" Bus Pass: This is a one-time bus pass, good for one bus visit to the park of your choice. Reservations are required and are limited to space availability.
  2. "Five Days of Fun" Bus Passes: This is 5 individual bus passes for less than the price of 4. Each bus pass is valid for one bus visit to a state park of your choice. More than one bus pass may be used at one park to accommodate groups using multiple buses. Reservations are required and limited to space availability.
  3. "Summer of Fun" Bus Passes: This is 10 individual bus passes for the less than the price of 7. Each pass is valid for one bus visit to a state park of your choice. More than one bus pass may be used at one park to accommodate multiple buses in one group. Reservations are required and limited to space availability.

Bus Pass Program Policies

  • Bus Pass application forms must be completed and mailed, with payment, to Bus Pass Program Coordinator, NH Division of Parks and Recreation, 172 Pembroke Rd, Concord, NH 03301. Make checks payable to “Treasurer-State of New Hampshire”. All bus passes are processed through Division headquarters, not at individual parks.
  • If paying by credit card please provide a phone number and we will contact you for payment once the application is received.
  • The Division of Parks and Recreation will require 7-10 business days for processing from the date the application is received. Please allow additional time for shipping.
  • The bus pass is valid for all day use area parks, Flume Gorge, Cannon Mountain Tramway, Hampton Beach State Park (South), and Wallis Sands State Park.
  • The bus pass allows admittance for one bus plus one support passenger vehicle.
  • Bus = Any vehicle with a capacity of 9 passengers or more.
  • The required chaperone ratio range is 1 adult chaperone for every 6 to 10 youth.
  • Additional fees are required for the following, and are collected at the park:
    • $2 per additional adult beyond the required ratio at all day use parks
    • $15 per additional passenger vehicle at Hampton Beach (South) and Wallis Sands
    • $16* per additional adult beyond the required ratio at the Flume Gorge
    • $22* per additional adult beyond the required ratio at the Cannon Mountain Tramway.
                      (Price subject  to change with the Summer 2025 Franconia Notch Fee Package)
  • One pass must be surrendered to the toll collector for each bus. Additional passes required for additional buses.
  • Arrangements must be made with the appropriate park manager at least two weeks prior to visiting the park. This is to ensure that space is available at that park on the desired date. If your organization arrives at a park with no prior arrangements, entrance may be denied.
  • The bus pass is not valid until signed by the user. By signing the individual bus pass, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to all NH State Parks Bus Pass Program policies.
  • The bus pass is non-transferable and valid only for use by the organization that the pass was issued. 
  • Current year bus passes are valid from June 20, 2025 – August 29, 2025, midweek, non-holiday.
  • Bus passes are not valid for camping at any state park, or for use at any metered or pay-and-display parking areas at Hampton Beach State Park (Main and North Beach areas), North Hampton State Beach, and Jenness State Beach.
  • Replacements for lost or stolen passes will not be issued.
  • No refund will be given for any reason including unused passes.
  • No exceptions will be made on any policy set forth herein.

Be Advised About Beach Advisories

The designated swimming areas at all NH State Parks are regularly monitored and tested by the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) for bacterial counts. Beach water samples with high bacterial counts may result in advisories being posted anytime without notice. During an advisory a park may remain open within normal operating hours, however designated waters may be considered unsuitable for wading or swimming. 

Advisories can be posted at beaches at any time, and are usually posted online by 9am (see link below). Once posted an advisory will not be lifted until the water has been retested and acceptable bacteria levels have been confirmed by DES. Advisories are generally lifted within 2-5 days from date of posting. If swimming is a planned activity as part of your Bus Pass visit, please review the current advisories before setting out. The following resources for keeping updated on current beach advisories are available for you: 
For more information on the DES Beach Program please visit: NH Dept. of Environmental Services

Refunds for Bus Passes will not be given due to bacterial advisories. The availability of alternate days or arrangements due to bacterial advisories is not guaranteed.

If you have further questions about the program, please call 603-271-3556.
Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301