pillsbury state park timber sale
January 14, 2020 Update
Work for the Pillsbury State Park timber sale has commenced. If heading to the park for recreation, please note that there is no parking along the entrance road to provide room for log trucks. A temporary parking area is being provided by the office cabin. Please do not drive down the road past the office cabin, this is closed to unauthorized vehicular traffic. Please yield the right of way to log trucks when on the park road.
Project Outline
New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands will be operating an active timber sale this coming winter, north of the campground in Pillsbury State Park. This timbersale follows along with the Department’s management objectives for the property, as well as the original intentions of Albert Pillsbury when he gifted the land to the State in 1920. As stated in the deed:
Mr. Pillsbury gifted this land to the State “to be held in perpetuity as a public forest reservation for any and all uses or purposes tending to the promotion of forestry.”
This timbersale has gone through an extensive planning process, and the Division of Forests and Lands foresters are working in conjunction with Parks and Recreation staff to work around campsites and trails to protect and improve the experience of camping and hiking at Pillsbury State Park.
Timbersale layout work will be completed over the summer months. You may spot one of our staff foresters in the woods, wearing their orange vest, or you may see different colored flagging hung on trees and trees painted with blue paint. These are important parts of our layout to direct the timber harvesting professionals as they perform the timber harvesting this winter. Please leave these layout features intact and undisturbed to insure the proper trees will be harvested.
Goals for this timber harvest include creating young forest habitat to improve wildlife habitat and improve forest health and vigor, as well as thin some areas to increase forest growth.
If you have questions or concerns about this timber harvest, please contact Project Forester Billy Kunelius at 603-227-8736, Regional Forester Scott Rolfe at 603-227-8741