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Upcoming Meetings
When: May 31, 10:00 am.
Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion
375 Little Harbor Rd.
Portsmouth, NH 03801

The Wentworth-Coolidge Commission (WCC) was formed in 1982 when Governor Hugh Gallen appointed a group of volunteers to help care for the Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion. He tasked the Commission with making recommendations for furnishings, improvements, and future use of the Mansion. In 1989, Governor Judd Gregg issued a further Executive Order to continue the Commission’s involvement with the Mansion. He authorized the Commission to accept gifts of appropriate furnishings and to engage in fundraising activities, and he instructed the Commission to determine the maintenance needs of the Mansion.

The WCC has tackled a wide range of projects to help preserve this National Historic Landmark and attract increasing visitors to the site. Past and ongoing projects include restoring the historic heirloom lilacs to the site, cleaning the paintings and furnishings inside the Mansion, and restoring the many windows. 

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