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Beach Safety

Throughout the summer months, our lifeguards respond to thousands of calls regarding beach safety. There are several factors that visitors should consider when planning for a safe day at the beach.

Sun Care: If you plan on spending a day in the sun, it is important to consider wearing sunscreen! The sun omits powerful UV rays that can cause damage to the skin and eyes. Countless studies show that these UV rays can lead to cancer if proper sun care is not addressed. 

Heat: On a hot summer day, good hydration can make the difference between fun in the sun, experiencing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Heat-related medicals are the most common type of medical emergency we respond to at Hampton Beach. Heat exhaustion can occur when the human body overheats and cannot cool down fast enough, leading to dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and can escalate to heat stroke if unaddressed. Heat stroke occurs when the body’s core temperature spikes to 104 F and can no longer cool down, leading to loss of consciousness, hot dry skin, rapid breathing, and if left untreated can lead to death. 

Hydration: This plays a critical role in keeping you safe from the heat! Proper hydration throughout the day helps keep the body cool. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it promotes water loss in the human body leading to dehydration. Hydrating with water or electrolytes is the best option to avoid experiencing a heat related medical emergency. 

Holes: On all state beaches digging holes deeper than 12 inches, or about knee depth is prohibited. There are a number of safety considerations regarding holes on the beach. Sand is not a stable substance, and there is a significant risk that holes dug in sand will collapse. Each year in the United States there are multiple fatalities involving sand holes.

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