About the Park
Rollins State Park, located in Warner, is situated on the south slope of Mt. Kearsarge. A 3-1/2 mile long scenic auto road rises from the park entrance through woodlands to the parking and picnic areas. The picnic area, located in a natural wooded glen beneath granite ledges, is historically referred to as the "Garden." It affords views that stretch from Mt. Monadnock to the hills of New Hampshire's coastal plain. The summits of Pack Monadnock, Crotched and Uncanoonuc Mountains, the hills of central Massachusetts, and the Boston skyline are visible on the horizon, while the Mink Hills and Merrimack River Valley can be seen nearby. A one-half mile trail to the summit of Mt. Kearsarge leaves from the picnic area.
Mount Kearsarge Hiking Map
Season Passes

Are pets allowed at Rollins State Park?
Leashed pets are permitted in the park. See the NH State Parks Pets Policy for more information.
Keep Your Parks Clean
Through the Carry-In/Carry-Out Program, you can help us keep your parks clean and beautiful by carrying out whatever you carry in. Thank you for your cooperation and remember to recycle.
Group Use Reservations
For information on this parks pavilion rental please visit Pavilions & Group Use page.
Youth Group Day Use
Youth and School Groups must call the park directly at least 2 weeks prior to arrival to make reservations before visiting. The Bus Pass Program is available for NH youth organizations that meet the program criteria (for more information and applications, please visit BUS PASS PROGRAM.)
Groups that do not meet the qualification for the Bus Pass Program are eligible to receive a discounted rate. For More information, please visit our School & Youth Group Page.
Access for Persons with Disabilities
Visit our Accessibility page. For more information on specific accessibility needs or questions, please contact the individual park office directly.
Additional Resources
The Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway
The Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway is a 75 mile loop trail that links four New Hampshire State Parks: Sunapee, Winslow, Rollins, Wadleigh. The trail also links three New Hampshire State Forests: Gile, Kearsarge and Shadow Hill as well as one Wildlife Management Area: Bog Mountain. See the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Coalition website for more information.
History of Rollins and Winslow State Parks
History of Mount Kearsarge
Mount Kearsarge Hiking Map