About the Park
Check Beach Advisories
North Beach is a great family location with an Atlantic ocean-front setting - its sandy beach is ideal for swimming and picnicking. Amenities at the beach include a bathhouse, which is open year-round. Metered parking is available. Pay stations that are located at State Beaches accept cash and coins as well as credit and debit cards. There are pay meters along a small part of North Beach that accepts coins only. Prior to visiting the NH seacoast, familiarize yourself with the Seacoast Beach information as well as Seacoast Beach parking options.
NOTICE: The following parking regulations have been put into effect by Hampton Police Department for the State's metered spots along the sea wall on Ocean Boulevard from 6th Street to 19th Street:
- No parking after 10 p.m.
- No idling vehicles
- Head-in parking only
603-227-8722 (Seacoast Office)
603-227-8700 (Parking Info)
603-227-8710 (Park Maintenance)
Parking Information
See Metered Parking & Citation Information Page
North Beach uses a "Pay & Display" parking system. The pay-stations accept credit cards and quarters and bills and allows the visitor to choose the amount of time needed. After you validate your transaction and receive a receipt, place this receipt face up on your dashboard. Parking tickets are issued to those in violation. For more information or any other questions regarding parking. (603-227-8700)
Are pets allowed at North Beach?
Pets are not permitted in the park in season, May 1- September 30. Leashed pets are permitted in the off season, October 1 - April 30. See the NH State Parks Pets Policy for more information.
Group Use Reservations
For information on this parks pavilion rental please visit Pavilions & Group Use page.
Day Use Youth Groups
Keep Your Parks Clean
Through the Carry-In/Carry-Out Program, you can help us keep your parks clean and beautiful by carrying out whatever you carry in. Thank you for your cooperation and remember to recycle.
Access for Persons with Disabilities
Visit our Accessibility page. For more information on specific accessibility needs or questions, please contact the individual park office directly.
Find Additional Seacoast Beaches and Parks Here:
Hampton Beach State Park
Hampton Beach State Park - South Beach
North Hampton State Beach
Jenness State Beach
Wallis Sands State Park
Odiorne Point State Park
Rye Harbor State Park