160 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH 03842
Hours and Fees
The last day of Ocean Lifeguard coverage for Hampton Beach will be this Sunday, October 6th. Starting Monday, October 7th there will no longer be any Ocean Lifeguard coverage until the 2025 season.
Regional Park Office: 603-227-8722
Park Patrol: 603-227-8700
Lifeguards: 603-227-8707
RV Campground: 603-926-8990
Event/Group Use Coordinator: 603-227-8717
Metered Parking Schedule and Rates
Ends 10/31
Citation & Parking Information
Bathhouse Hours:
Haverhill St. Closed 10/31, but family bathrooms open year round, 7:30AM - 7:30PM
Marine Memorial 7:30AM-7:00PM - open year round
North Beach 8:00AM-6:30PM - open year round
Seashell Bath (beach side) 8:00AM-5:30PM, closes 9/6
South Pavilion: 7:30AM-8:00PM - open year round
Park Operating Schedules
*Operating dates and times are subject to change without notice. For up to date hours, please call the park directly.
See our NH State Beach Patrol page for all beach information, conditions, safety and more.
This park is always open for recreation unless closed or restricted by posting.
Off season use: This park is always open for recreation unless otherwise posted. During off hours and the off-season the park is typically not staffed, comfort stations are not available and gates may be closed. The off-season poses unique risks inherent when participating in outdoor recreational activities. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park lands.

About the Park
Check Beach Advisories
Hampton Beach State Park provides year-round recreation, with Atlantic ocean-front facilities situated along miles of sandy beach. Activities in the park include swimming, fishing, picnicking, and RV camping with full hook-ups in the campground.

A live webcam of Hampton Beach can be found at Beach Cam Hampton Beach
Find Additional Seacoast Beaches and Parks:
Hampton Beach State Park - South Beach
North Beach
North Hampton State Park
Jenness State Beach
Wallis Sands State Park
Odiorne Point State Park
Rye Harbor State Park
Visiting With Your Pet
Pets are not allowed on the beach from May 1 to September 30. Pets are allowed on the beach from October 1 to April 30. Animals must be on a standard or rectractable leash not greater than 6 feet in length. Animal owners shall clean up any waste eliminated by their animals and place it in a trash can or remove it off-site. See our Visiting With Pets webpage for more information.
Parking Information
See Metered Parking & Citation Information Page
Metered Parking Schedule and Rates Sheet
Metered parking is located throughout the coast along Route 1A from Hampton to Rye. Most spots are managed by multi-space pay stations. Spots managed by multi-space pay stations require a receipt to be posted on the dashboard of your vehicle.
Restaurants, entertainment, and other services are offered along Rt. 1A. The park is close to many area attractions, including whale watching and saltwater fishing charter boats.
Keep Your Parks Clean
Through the Carry-In/Carry-Out Program, you can help us keep your parks clean and beautiful by carrying out whatever you carry in. Thank you for your cooperation and remember to recycle. Help keep the beaches clean and dispose of cigarette butts in the appropriate receptacles.
Access for Persons with Disabilities
Visit our Accessibility page. For more information on specific accessibility needs or questions, please contact the individual park office directly.
Additional Resources
Hampton Beach State Park Map
Hampton Beach State Park Aerial Photo
Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce
Hampton Beach Area Calendar of Events
Hampton Beach History
For information about sea life visit the

New England Aquarium
Blue Ocean Society Discovery Center
Information about Monarch Butterflies
Endangered Piping Plovers
Seacoast Weddings, Meetings and Events Brochure
Drone use is restricted at all NH State Parks. Drone operators are not permitted to take off or land within NH State Park boundaries.