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The purpose of the Grant-In-Aid (GIA) Program is to provide assistance to organized, non-profit off highway recreational vehicle (OHRV) and snowmobile (SMC) clubs for projects that will benefit the ridership of OHRVs and snowmobiles.

The intent of the Program is to enhance the development, maintenance, construction, grooming, grading, and safety of public use OHRV and SMC trails in New Hampshire.

The Program is governed by Administrative Rules, Bureau of Trails Grant-In-Aid Program (Res 8400) and Trail Use Rules (Res 8500)

The GIA rules are in the process of being updated. GIA Rules - Draft. If your club has any recommendations or changes to the GIA rules that are not already incorporated into the current draft, please send your club’s comments to: with the email subject as: PROPOSED GIA RULE CHANGE.  Since there are many of you, and only a few of us, we ask for clubs or counties to group their comments together into one email as much as possible so avoid multiple emails asking for the same change. All proposed changes are due by Friday September 27, 2024.
The Bureau will also be hosting an in-person Public Informational Rules session on Thursday September 26th at DNCR HQ at 172 Pembroke Road, Concord, NH 03301. The in-person meeting is limited to 35 people (that’s the room capacity) from 10:00am to Noon. Participants are welcome to propose rule changes in this meeting as well. Because of the limited capacity of the room, please email with the your name and organization if you wish to attend. When the session is full, a mass email will be sent to notify everyone. If you are unable to attend, there will also be additional future public hearings as the draft rules move forward.
Funding for the Program is derived from OHRV and SMC registration fees and un-refunded gas taxes.  These funds are dedicated to the GIA Program through RSA, kept in a separate account, and cannot be utilized for any other purpose. 

OHRV clubs apply for grants yearly through the Program.  Snowmobile clubs apply for grants twice a year; summer grants for trail work/equipment and winter grants for grooming assistance. 

2024 GIA Winter Snowmobile club applications closed. Spring applications for both OHRV and Snowmobile will be posted here in April 2025.


SMC Advisory Committee Members as of 2024-5-30- for clubs to use to contact their GIA advisor for optional application signature

For OHRV Clubs:

OHRV Advisory Committee Members as of 2023-11-6 - for clubs to use to contact their GIA advisor for optional application signature

2024 Grant-in-Aid Workshop for OHRV


  • No Project Form - This form is optional, but helps us keep club contacts up to date. 

For GIA Projects:

  • Billing Form
  • GIA Project Landowner Permission Form                                                                                                                                                        (this must be individual for every landowner for every project submitted. This is attached to applications.)
  • Landowner List Form                                                                                                                                                                                        (email this as an excel file to the Bureau of Trails during Spring applications for OHRV clubs and during Fall applications for Snowmobile clubs)
  • GIA Change in Project Scope Request Form
  • GIA Winter Damage for OHRVs Request Form (OHRV clubs ONLY)
  • Grading Operations Log (OHRV clubs ONLY)
  • Trail Administrator Authorization Form (submit this only if change in TA during the course of a GIA project)

For Sign Requests: Due Annually on the Second Friday of April.

For Trail Maintenance Vehicle requests to Fish & Game (usually submitted in Spring) 

For Clubs to use for their records (not necessary to submit to Bureau of Trails)

GIA Awards

See Awards Here

Guidelines for Clubs

Helpful Info & Links for Clubs

Groomer & Trail Worker Information

Contact Information

  • For more information about the Grant-in-Aids Program contact: 

  • GIA Coordinator, Taya Ferris,
  • 172 Pembroke Road, Concord, NH 03301
Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301