Update August 30, 2024:
Coon Brook Road has reopened!
- The following roads are closed to vehicle use until repairs can be made; Indian Stream (at mile marker 8), West Side Indian Stream (closed north of mile marker 9 gate), Sophies Lane, and Trestle Brook that goes to Beaman Hill.
- All roads remain open to pedestrian and bicycle use, however, there are significant washouts and missing crossing structures on the roads. Visitors are asked to take care while driving the roads open to vehicles, to respect barricades and to follow detours as directed.
- Watch for trucks and other construction equipment that are working on Magalloway Road, Cedar Stream Road, Smith Brook Road and Deadwater Road.
- As of August 2, 2024, The gate at the first bridge on East Inlet Road is currently closed. The bridge on East Inlet Road just below the cartop launch near East Inlet Dam is closed. Please check back for updates.
Check Gate Status June 10, 2024
Contact Information:
Road and Gate Information:
Dwayne Covell, Field Supervisor,CLHWF Field Office
603-538-6707, Dwayne.O.Covell@dncr.nh.gov
Recreation Information:
Motorized Recreation
Clint Savage, District Supervisor, DNCR Region 1 Trails Bureau
603-788-3155, Clinton.J.Savage@dncr.nh.gov
Non-Motorized Recreation
Brian Parise, Regional Supervisor, DNCR Great Northwood Region
603-466-2214, Brian.T.Parise@dncr.nh.gov
General Information:
Johanna Lyons, State Park Planner/CLHWF Administrator
DNCR Division of Parks and Recreation
603-271-3935, Johanna.Lyons@dncr.nh.gov
This park is always open for recreation unless closed or restricted by posting. During off hours and the off-season the park is typically not staffed, comfort stations are not available and gates may be closed.
Off season use: The off-season poses unique risks inherent when participating in outdoor recreational activities. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park lands.