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Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Working Forest


CLHWF Field Office, 439 River Road, Pittsburg, NH 03592

Hours and Fees

Check Gate Status December 10, 2024

Contact Information:

Road and Gate Information: 

Dwayne Covell, Field Supervisor,CLHWF Field Office

Recreation Information: 
Motorized Recreation
Clint Savage, District Supervisor, DNCR Region 1 Trails Bureau

Non-Motorized Recreation
Brian Parise, Regional Supervisor, DNCR Great Northwood Region

General Information:
Johanna Lyons, State Park Planner/CLHWF Administrator
DNCR Division of Parks and Recreation
This park is always open for recreation unless closed or restricted by posting. During off hours and the off-season the park is typically not staffed, comfort stations are not available and gates may be closed.
Off season use: The off-season poses unique risks inherent when participating in outdoor recreational activities. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park lands.

Activities and amenities

Boat Ramp Fishing Hiking Canoeing Restrooms Horseback Riding Mountain Biking Mushing Pet-friendly Picnic Area Snowmobiling Snowshoeing Walking Trails Cross Country Skiing OHRV Fire Lookout Tower

About the Park

The State of New Hampshire, in cooperation with Connecticut Lakes Realty Trust, provides high quality recreational opportunities on 146,000 acres of privately owned commercial forestry lands. The property is a working forest and care should be taken on the roads, trails and in the forest.


Are pets allowed at Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Working Forest?

Leashed pets are permitted. See the NH State Parks Pets Policy for more information.

Keep Your Parks Clean

Through the Carry-In/Carry-Out Program, you can help us keep your parks clean and beautiful by carrying out whatever you carry in. Thank you for your cooperation and remember to recycle.

Access for Persons with Disabilities

Visit our Accessibility page. For more information on specific accessibility needs or questions, please contact the individual park office directly.
Drone use is restricted at all NH State Parks. Drone operators are not permitted to take off or land within NH State Park boundaries.
Seal of the State of New Hampshire © NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
172 Pembroke Road Concord, NH 03301