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The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation has testified on the following bills:

2024 Legislative Session

HB1179 Relative to State Park system fees for retired members of the armed forces
HB1179 testimony for March 26, 2024
HB 1179 testimony for February 20, 2024
HB 1179 Testimony Jan. 12, 2024
HB 1494 Relative to OHRVs
HB 1494 testimony for February 21, 2024
SB 397-FN Making an appropriation for OHRV trails
SB 397-FN Testimony for January 23, 2024
SB 345-FN Relative to state park fees for state residents
SB-345-FN Testimony for April 10, 2024
SB 345-FN Testimony for January 16, 2024
SB 345-FN Testimony for January 23, 2024
SB 387-FN State Parks pass pilot program for recovery centers and community mental health centers
SB 387-FN Testimony for April 10, 2024
SB 387-FN Testimony for January 16, 2024
HB 1179-FN  Relative to state park system fees for retired members of the Armed Forces
 HB 1179 Testimony Jan. 12, 2024
Relative to certain historic commemorations                                                                                                   
SB 331 Testimony Jan. 4, 2024 

2023 Legislative Session

Making an appropriation for the Cannon Mountain Tramway
SB 55 Testimony Feb. 7, 2023 
Cannon Mt. Aerial Tramway Fact Sheet    

Relative to state park campground reservations for New Hampshire residents
HB 488 Testimony (01/25/23)
Relative to construction of a public pier on Hampton Beach and making an appropriation therefor
SB 122 Testimony (01/31/23)
Feasibility Study Hampton Beach New Pier, October 28, 2022
HB 141 Relative to dogs on hiking trails in state parks
HB 141 Testimony (01/18/23)
HB 434 Relative to flying drones in state parks
HB 434 Testimony (01/18/23)
HB 60 Camping fees for non-residents
HB 60 Testimony (1/17/23)

2022 Legislative Session

HB 1579 HB 1579 relative to landowner liability on land authorized for outdoor recreational activities
HB 1579 (4/14/22)
SB 346

HB 1579
SB 346 requiring the Hampton Beach Area Commission to conduct feasibility and impact studies for the construction and maintenance of a pier south of Boar's Head in the Town of hampton.
SB 346 Testimony (4/6/22)

HB 1579 relative to landowner liability on land authorized for outdoor recreational activities.
HB 1579 Testimony (1/20/22)
HB 1292 HB 1292 permitting the use of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles on the statewide trail system.
HB 1292 Testimony (1/12/22)
HB 1456 HB 1456 relative to the Hampton marine memorial.
HB 1456 Testimony (1/12/22)
SB 346 SB 346 requiring the department of environmental services to conduct feasibility and impact studies for the construction of a pier on Hampton Beach.
SB 346 Testimony (1/11/22)

2021 Legislative Session

SB 100 SB 100 adopting omnibus legislation on commissions and committees (including, establishing a committee to study building a pier over the jetty at Hampton Beach state park for disability access).
SB 100 Testimony (5/10/21)
HB 446 HB 446 establishing a committee to study the effects of recreational vehicles and other vehicles used in recreational activities on class 5 and 6 roads
HB 446 Testimony (3/3/21)
HB 474 HB 474 prohibiting surveillance by the state on public ways or sidewalks
HB 474 Testimony (2/19/21)
HB 534 HB 534 relative to municipal control of certain frozen water bodies
HB 534 Testimony (2/10/21)
HB 475 Prohibiting the production of a drivers' license or nondrivers' picture identification card as a condition of conducting certain business
HB 475 Informational Item (2/9/21)
HB 345 Establishing a license for mushroom harvesters.
HB 345 Testimony (2/3/21)

2020 Legislative Session

HB 1319 An act prohibiting the siting of new landfills or expansions of existing landfills near state parks, national parks, or United States Department of Agriculture forest land.
HB 1319 Testimony (1/27/20)
HB 1426 An act requiring an off highway recreational vehicle club to have certain tests performed on a rail trail prior to use as an OHRV trail.
HB 1426 Testimony (1/29/20)
HB 1427 An act removing authorization for OHRV use on certain sections of state highway.
HB 1427 Testimony (1/29/20)
HB 1156 An act establishing a committee to study minimizing road use for Ride the Wilds.
HB 1156 Testimony (1/29/20)
HB 1165 An act prohibiting ATV’s on a rail trail in Gorham.
HB 1165 Testimony (1/29/20)
HB 1553 An act prohibiting the posting of certain state properties as no trespassing areas.
HB 1553 Testimony (1/28/20)
HB 1160 An act allowing municipalities to collect an occupancy fee from operators of local room rentals.
HB 1160 Testimony (1/22/20)
HB 1273 An act waiving the admission fee to state parks for military dependents.
HB 1273 Testimony (1/21/20)
HB 1394 An act relative to fees for park use.
HB 1394 Testimony (1/21/20)

2019 Legislative Session

HB 641 An act of allowing municipalities to collect an occupancy fee from operators of local room rentals.
HB 641 Testomony (5/1/19)
HB 630-FN An act relative to increasing certain fines for OHRV, and snowmobile operation violations.
HB 630-FN Testimony (3/26/19)
HB 535 An act relative to certain major state projects.
HB 534 Testimony (3/26/19) 
HB 592 An act relative to OHRV operation and licenses.
HB 592 Testimony (2/26/19)
HB 498 An act prohibiting OHRV operation on class V ways.
HB 498 Testimony (2/26/19)
HB 683-FN An act relative to the rights of property owners abutting certain highways and railtrails.
HB 683-FN Testimony (2/26/19)
HB 660-FN An act relative to the economic impacts of OHRV use in New Hampshire.
HB 660-FN Testimony (2/26/19)
SB 234 An act establishing the position of director of the office of outdoor recreation industry development in the department of business and economic affairs.
SB 234 Testimony (2/20/19)
SB 160 An act of allowing swimming at non-motorized boat launches.
SB 160 (2/12/19)
HB 276 An act relavitve to permitting swimming at a fish and game department cartop boat launch access area.
HB 276 (2/12/19)
HB 512 An act relative to dogs on hiking trails in state parks and state forests.
HB 512 (2/12/19)
HB 139 An act relative to prohibiting smoking in State Parks.
HB 139 (2/12/19)
HB 640 An act relative to establishing a registration fee for canoes and kayaks.
HB 640 (2/5/19)
HB 148 An act relative to electric bicycles.
HB 148 (2/5/19)
HB 699-FN An act relative relative to discounts for OHRV and snowmobile registrations.
HB 699-FN (2/5/19)
HB 296 An act relative relative to animal waste cleanup in state forests and state parks.
HB 296 Testimony (2/6/19)
An act relative to increasing certain fines for OHRV and snowmobile operation violations.
HB 630-FN Testimony (2/6/19)
HB 727-FN-A An act relative to boat ramp and parking improvements at Mount Sunapee state park beach and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 727-FN-A Testimony (2/5/19)
HB 727 Temtimony (3/14-19)
HB 580 An act relative to bonding construction projects for DNCR.
HB 580 Testimony (1/29/19)
SB 185 An act establishing a rail trail corridors advisory committee to assist the DOT in updating the state trails plan and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 185 Testimony (1/29/19)
HB 492 An act relative to rates for parking meters.
HB 492 Testimony (1/23/19)
HB 534 An act relative to certain major state projects.
HB 534 Testimony (1/23/19)

2018 Legislative Session

SB 560-FN An act relative to updating the state trails plan and making an appropriate therefor.
SB 560-FN (1/23/18) 
HB 1696 An act relative to the Hampton Beach capital improvement fund.
HB 1696 Testimony (1/11/18) 

2017 Legislative Session

SB 383 Final report of the Commission to Study and Recommend Improvements to the New Hampshire Hiking Trails Network.
SB 383 Final Report (11/1/17)
HB 488
An act establishing a state parks advisory council.
HB 488-SPAC Testimony (3/15/17) 
SB 217-FN Requiring admission without charge to state parks for children.
SB 217-FN Testimony (2/14/17)  
HB 608  An act relative to requiring the state park system to use competitive bidding for the acquisition and resale of firewood. 
HB 608 Testimony (1/31/17) 
HB 302   An act relative to the leasing of Hampton Beach State Park.
HB 302 Testimony (1/25/17) 

2016 Legislative Session

HB 1396 An act relative to OHRV operation on certain highways in Grafton County.
HB 1396 Testimony (4/19/16) 
HB 1396 Testimony (3/1/16)   
HB 1569-FN An act relative to volunteers under the Department of Resources and Economic Development
HB 1569-FN Testimony (3/31/16)    
HB 1569-FN Testimony (2/3/16)  
SB 510-FN An act relative to parking at state park parking meters
SB 510_FN Testimony (4/26/16)  
SB 510-FN Testimony (4/5/16) 
SB 510-FN Testimony (2/2/16)  
HB 1172  An act relative to corrective action implementation of audit findings concerning Cannon Mountain.
HB 1172 Testimony (4/5/16) 
HB 1172 Testimony (1/26/16)  
SB 441 An act relative to discounts and admission without charge at state parks.
SB 441 Testimony (4/21/16)       SB 441 Parks Value of Complimentary Entry 
SB 441 Testimony (3/22/16)       Fiscal 2015 Cannon Fee Approval 
SB 441 Testimony (1/19/16)       Fiscal 2012 Parks Fee Approval 
HB 1170 An act relative to special permits for OHRV operation in Jericho Mountain State Park.
HB 1170 Testimony (4/19/16) 
HB 1170 Testimony (1/19/16) 

2015 Legislative Session

HB 290 An act relative to the acceptance of risk in outdoor recreational activities.
HB 290 Testimony (4/28/15) 
SB 173 An act relative to establishing a committee to study the feasibility of a club assistance program for off highway recreational vehicles.
SB 173 Testimony (3/18/15) 
HB 467-FN An act relative to the 14-month registration of off highway recreational vehicle.
HB 467-FN Testimony (3/17/15) 
HB 290 An Act relative to the acceptance of risk in outdoor recreational activities.
HB 290 Testimony (1/28/15) 

2014 Legislative Session

SB 231-FN
An Act relative to the definition of tractors and utility vehicles.
SB 231-FN Testimony (4/15/14) 
SB 311 An act authorizing the executive director of the fish and game department to execute an agreement allowing reciprocal snowmobile riding privileges with the states of Vermont and Maine.
SB 311 Testimony (4/1/14)
HB 1248 An act relative to the acceptance of risk in outdoor recreational activities.
HB 1248 Testimony (2/4/14)    HB 1248 Testimony (4/22/14) 
SB 251 An act relative to horse access on state land.
SB 251 Testimony (1/29/14)   SB 251 Testimony (1/29/14) Follow-up  
SB 251 Testimony (1/29/14) Horse Rules 
SB 240-FN An act relative to a reduced fee on OHRV registrations for persons who are members of an OHRV club.
SB 240-FN Testimony (1/28/14)     SB 240-FN Testimony (4/15/14) 
SB 248 An act relative to establishing a committee to study policies and procedures for the development and maintenance of state-owned abandoned rail corridors.
SB 248 Testimony (1/14/14)      SB 248 Testimony (4/15/14) 
SB 232 An act relative to speed limits for off highway recreational vehicles and snowmobiles.
SB 232 Testimony (1/14/14)    SB 232 Testimony (4/22/14) 
SB 230 An act relative to the definition of utility terrain vehicles.
SB 230 Testimony (1/14/14)    SB 230 Testimony (4/22/14) 

2013 Legislative Session

SB 190 Relative to admission fees for certain persons at state parks and historical sites.
SB 190 Testimony (2/12/13)     SB 190 Testimony (4/9/13) 
SB 190 Testimony (4/19/13) 
HB 574 Increasing the size limitations for OHRVs operating on state-owned trails.
HB 574 Testimony (2/19/13)  
HB 349 Relative to OHRV operation of certain 4-wheel drive vehicles on trails within Jericho Mountain state park.
HB 349 Testimony (2/19/13)  
HB 304 Relative to OHRV registration transfer fees, removing the penalty of completion of a training program for certain OHRV and snowmobile violations, and deleting OHRV and snowmobile vanity plates or decals.
HB 304 Testimony (1/31/13) HB 304 Testimony (3/14/13)        
HB 256 Relative to funding for the fish and game search and rescue fund.
HB 256 Testimony (1/31/13)  
SB 46 Relative to air quality violations for outdoor fires.
SB 46 Testimony (1/30/13)  
SB 67 Establishing a committee to examine the issue of statutory authority for ATVs, OHRVs, and low speed UTVs to access public highways for food, fuel, and lodging.
SB 67 Testimony (1/29/13)  
HB 273 Authorizing the commissioner of the department of resources and economic development to enter into contracts for provision of free Wifi Internet access at Hampton Beach state park.
HB 273 Testimony (1/29/13)  
HB 191 Relative to conformity of governmental land uses to land use regulations.
HB 191 Testimony (1/18/13)  
SB 14 Relative to the rule-making authority of and administrative fine authority for the department of resources and economic development.
SB 14 Testimony (1/16/13)         SB 14 Testimony (4/16/13) 

2012 Legislative Session

HB 1140 An act relative to the care of war memorials in Franconia Notch state park.
HB 1140 Testimony (1/10/12)    HB 1140 Testimony (4/26/12)  
HB 1436 An act establishing a committee to oversee the management of natural resources by the department of resources and economic development.
HB 1436 Testimony (1/24/12)    |  HB 1436 Testimony (3/12/12)  
HB 1544 Adding state and local government part-time and public employees to employees eligible to participate in the state group insurance coverage.
HB 1544 Testomony  
SB 237-FN Relative to field purchases and transfers of funds for the state park system and the bureau of trails, and the use of gifts and donations to the division of parks and recreation.
SB 237-FN Testimony (1/12/12)    |  SB 237-FN Testimony (3/12/12)  
SB 250 An act relative to operation of AWs and trail bikes on state lands.
SB 250 Testimony  
SB 298 Naming the lifeguard tower at Hampton Beach Seashell Facility for James W. Donahue, Jr.
SB 298  Testimony  
SB 330 Requiring an independent financial opinion prior to the leasing of any state park property to a private entity.
SB 330 Testimony (1/26/12)    |  SB 330 Testimony (3/20/12)  
SB 344 An act allowing the department of resources and economic development to cut vegetation in shoreland areas where public safety is of concern.
SB 344 Testimony  
SB 358 An act expanding eligibility for free admission to the state park system to certain members and their families and retired members of the armed forces.
SB 358 Testimony (1/19/12)    |  SB 358 Testimony (3/12/12)  
SB 366-FN An act relative to use of certain OHRV's on snowmobile trails.
SB 366-FN Testimony  
SB 217-FN Relative to management of Cannon Mountain by the Department of Resources and Economic Development.
SB 217-FN Testimony (2/9/12)    |  SB 217 Testimony (5/3/12)  
SB 396 Declaring the Temple Mountain ski area a historic site.
SB 396 Testimony  
SB 324 Relative to the use of funds generated by the Hampton Beach parking facilities.
SB 324 Testimony (3/20/12)    |  SB 324 Testimony (5/2/12)  
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